Scouts Australia

Final Website Survey Results (as of 4 March 2024)

Last updated: 4 March 2024

As one of the first stages of website redevelopment for Scouts ACT we sought feedback on the existing website, and any ideas on how we can improve it. Part of this consultation was an online survey that we had a fantastic response to.

The website survey closed on 29 February 2024.

The survey responses included some great ideas and comments! Thank you so much to all those who took part.

The full set of results are being collated and analysied and will be posted here in a couple of weeks. 

In the mean time, here are some of the graphs from the final survey results.

No of responses:


Responder role:

Frequency of Branch (all-of-ACT Scouts) information recieved:

Last time the Scouts ACT website was used:

Devices used to access the Scouts ACT website:

Navigating the Scouts ACT website:

Find the information sought on the Scouts ACT website:

Ability to access the Members Area of the website:

Desire to update the Scouts ACT website directly (like AA Team members):